Thank you for coming or donating to Grand Circus Rounds
When people think of parades, they usually picture a procession of grandiose floats and flashy marching bands flowing through a barricaded aisle of excited, jubilant crowds. Instead, this particular parade was full of patients with wheelchairs, walkers, and canes accompanied by Laguna Honda staff headed down the hallway to the Gerald Simon Auditorium for the Medical Clown Project’s Grand Circus Rounds.
Grand Circus Rounds
The early afternoon show was a special performance specifically for the residents of Laguna Honda and sponsored by our gracious donors. We have known many of these patients for years from the two “neighborhoods” we work in weekly. For us, it felt like a reunion party of circus.
Not long after everyone settled in, the change into the colored glows of stage lights cued the start of our show. Laguna Honda patients were entranced throughout the show as an acrobat performed hand balancing on stacked chairs 15 feet in the air, more hoops than you can count twirled around a single extraordinary human being, and therapeutic medical clowns played with the audience keeping laughter alive. Patients joined in, juggling with a performer or lifting their arms up into the air to pop incoming floating bubbles As the show ended, the wonderful buzz that filled the room continued with the patients showing joy in whatever way possible for them. As they headed back to their rooms, they kept the play alive all the way down the hall until they were out of sight.
The theater was quickly reset for, Grand Circus Rounds, our gala fundraising show of circus, magic, and storytelling. The excitement of our audience matched those of the Laguna Honda patients as they were treated to extraordinary acrobatic feats and amazing clown performances, accompanied by a live brass band led by the incomparable Johannes Mager.
We are passionate about serving people in healthcare facilities all over the Bay Area. This very special audience of Medical Clown Project supporters as well as all our donors help make this happen.
It has been an amazing year of growth and we couldn’t have done it without each and every one of you. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you and appreciate all of your contributions, your love, and your help to keep smiles, joy, and laughter alive in hospitals, senior care facilities, dementia care units, and other healthcare facilities around the Bay.